In 2020, Liquid Death, an upstart water company was looking to create an influencer marketing program that relied on what they had the most of to offer: WATER. CREWED took on the task for a then unheard of beverage company, knowing that if we seeded this brand to the right collection of people, other consumers were gravitate to the brand. An aggressive artist and creator seeding program put Liquid Death in the hands of those with a symbiotic attitude, social accountability, fearless spirit and an audience to amplify their patronage.
When a business has great product, packaging, and messaging, the best thing you can do is put it in the hands of influencers and let the consumer curiosity lead the way.
Without high dollar paid endorsements, Liquid Death not only legitimized their business through celebrity seeding, but also sought and secured equity deals with a select group of talent.
During early funding rounds, LIQUID DEATH was able to leverage equity ownership of the business to bring in celebrity partners, and capitol investment. CREWED secured 3 of the most popular music artists of our generation as equity partners and investors.
Long term partnerships for equity include product collaborations and creative marketing commitments. This approach helped to catapult the beverage company’s brand profile, audience and valuation.